Campus Connections aotearoa
Tūhono AiopīpīAbout Campus Connections Aotearoa
Campus Connections Aotearoa (CC-A) is an evidence-based youth mentoring programme that operates at the University of Auckland’s (UoA) Epsom Campus. CC-A is delivered in partnership with Alternative Education (AE) providers in the Auckland region connecting youth aged 13-16 with UoA students. Youth mentees, student mentors, coaches, and counsellors-in-training, participate in CC-A to form a therapeutic mentoring community. Within this community, young people have opportunities to interact with each other in a safe, supportive, and fun environment. Students have opportunities to develop important skills with the support of an experienced team of professionals and a community of peers.

“I feel more confident about myself and I am now letting my feelings out to people I trust…I have learnt to achieve my goals and that education is a good opportunity for your life.”